Monday, March 19, 2012

When Faith Is Scary

"Come”, "go", "be", "stand", "do”, these are all action verbs that normally don't cause any form of apprehension, until placed in front of a seemingly impossible task or threatening circumstance. It is easy to SAY you have faith when it’s just words coming out of your mouth but what happens when your faith requires action?

God is calling me to "come", "go", "be", "stand", "do", and it looks scary.

Fear does not come from God. However, God understood that it would come to us at different times in our lives. Have you ever noticed how many times in the Bible God told people "fear not"; well He said it a lot. Sometimes He told them not to fear before He revealed their task to them, as if to say, “I know this is gonna be a bit scary, but don't worry.” Other times He told them afterwards, to reassure them of His presence with them and His ability working in and around them despite what the situation looked like.


False, evidence, appearing, real. I'm not sure if I agree with this statement 100% and let me explain why. Suppose you were on your way to the mall and as you're approaching you notice a fight. The fight is between about eleven gang members. You quickly turn your car in the opposite direction to avoid witnessing any part of the violence. As you turn the steering wheel you glance over and see one of the boys lying on the ground while others are kicking and stomping him. Compassion fills your heart and you start to cry. Then you hear the Lord say, "Go-pick up the boy, put him in your car and rush him to the hospital". As quickly as compassion comes, fear rushes to its side and says, "the boys are still surrounding him, they have guns, they are gang members, they are angry and they're gonna hurt you for interfering."

I don't know if you would consider this being false evidence. When it’s truly a reality as you hear gun shots and shouts coming from the disputing rival gangs. Fear is a real emotion that tries to grip us with its many scary faces, but faith says I am not going to let you paralyze me from obeying God. Fear is sent to distract us. Its goal is to get us to look at the task and see impossibility, failure, inadequacy or utter death. Your perception is very important! How you see the task, how you see yourself and how you see God, determines if you will move in faith.

Our focus must not be on the faces of fear but on trusting that we can do what God has told us. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. When we receive a Word from the Lord it challenges us to see past our reality and act on His Word. This means though we live in the world (our reality), we must operate in the supernatural. Doing this will change our reality.

I know as Christians we are not to confess fear and I'm not suggesting we do. I am suggesting that we be honest. We are not always so ready and willing to do obey God. Every person in the Bible that God used mightily had to face their fears in order to accomplish His will and so will you. The giants are real, the fiery furnace is too. The lion’s den is full of hungry lions yet, we are told to walk by faith and not by sight.

If He has told you to "COME-walk on the water, GO-to a place that He will show you, BE-strong and very courage, STAND-still and see His salvation, DO-this or that. Whatever it is, don't be afraid. Know that God is with you, and since He is with you you have nothing to fear.

When faith is scary, look to Jesus!

Daily Declaration-I AM BOLD
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 (NASB)


  1. Thank you so much for this reminder that God is with me. Fear is real and yet I overcame by not focusing on the fear ~ I focused on the empowering word of God. And sometimes I simply do it and believe the outcome will exactly as God said it would be. It isn't always easy however, I find that each time I face my fear I get stronger and stronger ~ like building a "faith muscle." Was there ever a time in your life where you were utterly afraid and God proved Himself to be more than enough?

  2. I agree, fear is very real (as an emotion).I take from the acronym (F.E.A.R), that the falsehood is the reaction that is caused by the emotion. We seem to think that because we have a fear of doing something that it can hurt us in one way or the other but thank God that without his permission nothing can hurt us & we must remember that we cannot fail doing what He has purposed us to do. When talking about fear of doing something, I love to back it up with Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me." Therefore, I have no fear of doing things that I know to be in the will of God, although I will have emotions caused by the fear. This scripture reminds me to look to the Lord to calm all fears. One thing I want to clear up that I hear alot in relation to fear is: If fear is a trick of the enemy, than how come the Word says we are to fear the Lord? My response to that is fear of the Lord is a deep awe and reverance for the Lord God Jesus Christ not fear as in being afraid. God Bless.
