Monday, March 5, 2012

IF I AM NOT MY NAME- WHO AM I?-The Who I Am series

O LORD, You have searched me and known me. Psalm 139:1

Every person, at some point in their life has asked the "Who am I" question. It’s the “who am I bone”, connected to the “where do I belong” bone and the “where do I belong” bone connected to the, “what's my purpose” bone, then the “what’s my purpose” bone, is connected to the “how do I do it” bone...and so on and so on.

In an effort to attain the answer, we engage in all sorts of relationships, join all kinds of clubs, online communities, church groups and yes, we even get married. Please don't misunderstand me, as I have nothing against people joining clubs, online communities or any of the above mentioned. I believe the Lord created us to be social beings and fellowship is not the problem. Issues develop when we use these outward sources to define our inward state of existence.

We are way too complex to shovel onto another person the responsibility of telling us who we are. People only know the YOU that YOU allow them to see, so their information is limited. At times, the Lord may reveal something about you, but whatever knowledge they may have, comes from One greater than that person. So where do we turn for answers?


This may seem like "stating the obvious", but to find out about "YOU", you must go to the ONE who created you. You would be surprised to know how many people believe that after God created Adam and Eve He no longer had a hand in creating anyone else. The task was handed over to man. You see the natural process is-Mom's egg and Daddy's sperm met and next came baby me. When I came out the womb, I featured my parents; I had their DNA and other similarities. All of this seemed sufficient evidence to prove that I was created by my parents.

Job 33:4 says, “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Colossians 1:16 says, "For by Him all things were created..." The psalmist, King David put it like this in Psalm 139:13, "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This leaves me with the conclusion that, though we were birthed though Mommy, you and I were created by God. He allowed our parents to share in the creation process by letting us have some of their traits, while maintaining our own. "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out." (Romans 11:33)

Although we are created beings, there is something different about us as believers, and the difference is position. We are more than just created beings; we are the sons of God. The created man has no relationship with God as Father; however the son can come boldly into his Father's presence. This is a right given to us through our belief in His Son, Jesus, which causes us to be born again into the family of God. We are seated in an elevated place of authority as heirs to a royal priesthood, and being a son of God is great; however, being a son of God in RELATIONSHIP with his Father is quite different and far greater.

You are not your name and you were not created by your parents, but by God. The answer to your existence is hidden within the mind and heart of Father God. In order to understand who you are you have to know who He is. No created being can tell you who you are. As a son of God you must go to your Father. There is so much He wants you to know about His traits in your life. The term “like father - like son” comes to mind as I think about who we are in Him.

Then the next logical step for us is to dig into the Word of God, to find out who He is and who He says we are!

See you next week.

Daily Declaration- I AM A SON OF GOD
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.  John 1:12, 13 (NASB)

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