Monday, January 23, 2012

The Enemy is Attacking the City!

While I was in my bathroom curling my hair I was suddenly alarmed by the tone of
voice my grandson was using to address my grand daughter. So I stepped out of the
bathroom into the bedroom to see why he was speaking with such aggression and
urgency. "Kara, come on...we need to fight!", he said as he hid beside my jewelry dresser, with his little hands formed in the shape of a gun. "We need to fight...because the enemy is attacking the city." "The enemy is attacking the city?",  I asked him. "Yes, the enemy is attacking the city!", he said.

I almost laughed because he was very serious as he looked up at me with those big
brown eyes. I figured he had been watching a superhero movie or something because
his gestures were so animated, he was definitely in character and I decided to play
along. "Well, how are we gonna fight the enemy?", I asked. Throwing up his hands (as to say, duh), He replied, "with our weapons". Wanting to make sure I was hearing him correctly I repeated, "With our weapons?"


By this time Kara had left the two of us standing there. She was not amused by this
whole dramatic presentation and even though I knew this was just a 4 year old acting
out his imagination,  I couldn't help but stand there gazing at him while I pondered
what was going on and what he had said. I thought to myself, What a profound yet
simple statement. His intention was not to enlighten me yet through him, Holy
Spirit was speaking.

"The enemy is attacking the city and we need to fight with our weapons."

There were a few things that stood out to me from what he said that we should constantly be reminded of:

1. You have an enemy.
We must realize that we have an enemy who's main objective is to make war with us
everyday. We have to keep our spiritual eyes open and discern when our enemy is
attacking. (Revelation 12:13-17)

2. Get ready to fight.
It's not enough to just reconize your enemy. Any good soldier prepares himself
by putting on the proper war garments. He also postures himself for the fight.
(Ephesians 6:10-18) Remember that prayer is an effective posture in spiritual warfare.

3. Use your weapon and fight!In order to fight the enemy of our souls, it is important to use the spiritual weapons that come from God. (Ephesians 6: 17b) When the enemy starts attacking - start declaring and doing what God's Word says for that situation, and you will defeat him.(Sometimes your weapon will be praise or it may be speaking truth, it could even be standing still and trusting God. No matter what weapon you are given, point it in
the right direction and use it.)

Yes, we are in a war, but it has already been won and we have been crowned the
victors. Stand in the victory Christ has given you.

Have you felt like you've been under attack lately? If so what have you been doing
about it?

Daily Declaration
Romans 8:37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (NKJV)


  1. Thanks Lucretia! Always good to be reminded of our Victory and Authority we have in Jesus Name!!

  2. Out of the mouths of Babes! God uses our children to remind us of what is on His heart! We must remain vigilant because our enemy is like a lion seeking whom he may devour however, just as you reminded us we are victorious! We must put on our weapons everyday and be ready to be on the offense and not the defense. Thanks Evangelist Church for allowing God to use your grandson for this very important reminder! Thank God for your ministry!

  3. the devil's main weapon is deception - which is to cause one to think on things that are not true. Being established in sound bible doctrine will keep you from being poisoned by lies. Sometimes the best offense is a good defense. We have been given authority over all that was conquered in His death, burial, and ressurection, but if we are not aware of our position in Him we may be trampled on by a defeated foe.

  4. I love you Lucretia and all the wisdom you have and are revealing.
    No weapon formed against us shall prosper in the Mighty name of Christ Jesus!
