Monday, February 6, 2012


Psalm 40:1-3
King David

I waited patiently for the LORD;
And He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay,
And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.
He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God;
Many will see and fear and will trust in the LORD.

I was overtaken with waves of emotion as I looked at pictures that were posted on facebook of actors re-enacting parts of my life story. The Director Michelle Wilson is to be commended for her skillful work (of listening to the Holy Spirit) while selecting those who would attempt to capture the essence of a life so shattered.

Each picture evoked a different emotion as I thought back on the intensity of that moment.

In one picture, there sat a teen that felt so hopeless. She was full of rejection, hurt, insecurity and abandonment. In another picture I saw that same teen almost lose her life while so-called friends laughed and mocked her.

Not all of the pictures stirred painful memories, though they looked like they should have. Seeing yourself handcuffed and put in the back seat of a police car couldn't possibly be anything but disturbing-you would think. But this was actually one of the most freeing times of my life. It marked the point of an everlasting shift in my life.

I know it is not every day that we have a television network produce a story on us with re-enactments and all. But if you don't mind, could you to go there in your mind and imagine what pictures of your life story would look like if re-enacted? You might say, I'm not going back there, that's the past. Doesn't Lucretia know that we are admonished by the Apostle Paul to forget the things behind us and press forward (Philippians 3:14)? Yes friend, I am fully aware of that passage of scripture. Paul was telling us to let go of the things of the past and move forward to lay hold of the things that God has prepared for us.

I am not in any way suggesting that you fix your eyes on your former life with the intent of returning or to throw a pity party (like the children of Israel did after they left Egypt or like Lot's wife did while leaving Sodom and Gomorrah). Neither am I saying to do this to cause some type of arousal of the flesh, but simply as a chance to reflect on the mercy and graciousness of the Lord in your life.

Throughout the scriptures we see where altars were set up as places to remember what the Lord Jehovah had done. Men set up these altars as a declaration and other times as instructed by God. Joshua was told to have the children of Israel make a memorial of stones. (Joshua 4:1-7) This was so their children would know the miracles that the Lord had done. Sometimes we are caused to remember not only for us to give thanks to God but to help others be able to do the same.

The priests were instructed by Joshua to carry the Ark of the Covenant before the children of Israel. This represented God’s presence and power. And though we do not carry around the physical Ark of the Covenant (also called the Ark of the Testimony) as they did in Joshua's day, I believe that we do carry it spiritually. Every day we carry a testimony of the presence and power of God in our lives. When people ask us why we have such joy we should be able to tell them our story which is His-story. There is life-changing power in being a witness and testifying about the Lord.

One time I shared my story at a conference where men and women were present. After it was over I was approached by several men who had experienced some of the same things that I testified about. This one young man really wanted freedom and he needed me to listen to him as he shared his story. I listened and then told him what I believed the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell him. Some time went by and I received an email from him and he was totally free and sharing his story of Christ's love. Yesterday I was watching a video of him on YouTube as he ministered in the worship team of one of God's anointed generals. Praise the Lord!

What is it about your past that could help someone? Is it the pain of a broken marriage that God mended? Or a drug ridden life that was freed from bondage? Was it a life brought up out of depression? Or a soul saved from a burning hell?

It is possible to remember without remaining. Our past may be shameful and the thought of ever disclosing any part of it may be nauseating.

God may bring you into a situation (as He did with me) where He wants to show the pictures of your past to the world. I pray that you allow Him to, knowing that it will bring HIM great glory.

Tell of His goodness. His presence has been amazing in your life. BE HIS WITNESS!

Daily Declaration I AM-A WITNESS
The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony (witness) in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 1 John 5:10 (NASB)

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