Monday, October 29, 2012


Lately, The Lord has been dealing with me about the WORDS that I speak. In years past I never really took note of the words that were coming out of my mouth. If I thought something, I spoke it. Most of the time I used wisdom in the timing of what I had to say (at least that's what I thought) however, it was the choice of words used in the course of a conversation that revealed my need for maturity. 

After The Lord saved me I thought everything was going to change. I quickly joined the choir in singing the songs of Zion. Songs with lyrics like, "look  what The Lord has done, look what The Lord has done. He healed my body, He touched my mind, He saved me just in time...". I was singing a lot of songs that talked about having new hands, new feet and a new mind but I quickly discovered my spirit was renewed while my mind and body were the same. Granted some of the desires I had prior to my conversion had gone but others had not.

There were days when I would think, say or do something that was totally contrary to the Word of God and I knew I was saved but was baffled at how this could happen? I found myself making many trips to the altar re-dedicating my life to God. As I reflect, maybe I should have just gotten some wood, a hammer and nails and built a house there. That was how much I frequented the place early in my Christian walk. 

I kept wondering what as wrong with me. Why wasn't my mind and body changed with salvation? After a bit of research I found out.

The Bible says our natural bodies must die because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Cor 15:50  I encourage you to read the entire chapter). In order for us to receive our new body there must be a physical death of our old. In the resurrection we will be given the appropriate body for heaven and until then we will live in our natural bodies (flesh) and constantly keep it in subjection by our mind (1 Cor 9:24-27).

Now, lets talk about our mind. In Romans 12:2 the second part of the verse tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. When we are told to be in this scripture, it means: choose to be changed to another form. The Greek word "mind" is "nous" this word means: the seat of our understanding, reasoning, intellect, philosophy it's what we think or believe.
 This is the one area that we have complete control over. Our Father did not create puppets rather, men with a will. He has given us His Word for our "nous" to meditate on, enabling us to be transformed into the image of His Son but we must choose by faith to be transformed. 

A part of the definition of the word "renewing" means renovation. So when you think about your mind going through a home renovation it is the changing out of the old and replacing it with something new. The home is not new but the inside of the house is new. A complete home renovation normally cannot be completed in a day but over a course of days, weeks, months even years the project gets accomplished. When the Truth of God's Word is presented to your nous, you have the right to put out the old items in the house and bring in the new items. So, Romans 12:2 could be read like "choose to be changed to another form by renovating your reasoning, intellect or thinking". 

Could God have just spoken a word of renewal over our total existence? Of course He could but by His sovereign will He chose the way of transformation we must take.

There is a war in our mind between our flesh, our renewed spirit and the enemy of our soul. This war is over the influence of the mind. Because who ever controls the mind controls the body, which is the person. Every part of us, our body, soul and spirit goes through a process of renewal and our mind plays a huge part in that process. 

The way we perceive things in our mind, shape the way we express ourselves in word or deed ultimately shaping our life.

It may seem like I am off on a rabbit trail from the subject of WORDS but in the teachings to come you will see how it all fits together. I am laying a foundation. Although this may seem basic it is actually one of the main area of struggle, stumbling and defeat in the lives of many people. I'm not certain how long this teaching/blog will go but hang in there I'm sure it will be good for our "nous". 

Talk with you next week.