Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Terminal C

Lately, I must say that I have not had the most enjoyable experiences flying. I know that flying gets me to my destination much quicker than traveling by train, car or bus but I often wish that I could be translated in the spirit, instead of enduring many hours of uncomfortable seats and heart gripping turbulence.  Nevertheless, for the sake of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I board each plane trusting in the keeping power of God.

A few days ago I was flying home from Florida with a connecting flight through Dallas, Texas. My departure flight from Florida was delayed leaving so I knew 
once we landed, in order to make my connecting flight, I would have to move with quickness. Our plane landed and parked at a gate in the D terminal but my connecting flight would be departing from the C terminal so I quickly gathered my things and headed for the Skylink (the train that transports people between the different terminals).   

The Skylink departures were on the level above me so I had to take the escalator up to that level. When I arrived at the top, I noticed there were signs to my left and to my right. I identified which train I was supposed to take and joined a group of people waiting for the train to arrive. After about 3 minutes an announcement had come over the intercom that the side of the Skylink where we were waiting was having trouble and we needed to go to the other side and take that train. 

Immediately people started rushing to the other side to board the train that was approaching the stop. I too began to scurry for the other train but hesitated as I once again looked up at the sign. The train the others got on was headed in the opposite direction to where I was trying to go and although the voice on the intercom was telling me to take that train it just didn't seem right. As I watched the train  zip away, I was thinking to myself, those people have made a mistake. At that time my attention was turned by a comment a young man in a business suit was making (He was one of the few who didn't take the other train). His comment was, "they're going to go all the way around the airport". He then shook his head, turned his back and put his hands in his pockets as if to say - oh well, at least I made the right decision.  About 2 minutes after that, our train arrived and we were on our way to Terminal C which was only 2 stops from where we were. 

As I was riding to Terminal C the scripture from the book of Matthew came to mind "Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate. But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate.(Matthew 7:13-14 GOD'S WORD Translation)

Now did the other people in my story meet destruction? No they didn't but they were about to take a trip full of unnecessary stops only to find themselves back at the place where they started. Why did they leave for the other train? Because they were warned about problems they may have had to endure. And although we heard the same warning there were only a few of us willing to endure those problems for the sake of continuing on the path that was leading us to our destination. 

On this journey of following Jesus we can be sure that there will be problems, troubles, trails and tribulations. Jesus Himself told us there would be and there are only a few people who will trust that though the problems are inevitable,  there is safety on the path with Jesus than on the road without Him. 

You may be going through a difficult time right now in your marriage, with your children, in your finances, in your body or on your job and the pressure is great for you to veer off the narrow path of trusting God to fix your situation. Well,  I have come today with a word of exhortation for you. "STAY ON THE PATH TO ENTER THE NARROW GATE" I know the voices are saying that there are problems on this road and there may be but Jesus did not say living a life of obedience to God would be easy, in fact He told us it wouldn't be. He also told us that we didn't have to face them lone. He said that He would be with us and send us a helper. He said that He would give us a way of escape when we are tempted and that He has given us the victory over the devil and all his attempts to distract and destroy us.

Maybe you have already strayed from the path, don't be discouraged! Today is your opportunity to get off the wrong road and onto the right one. You see though the others took the Skylink going in the wrong direction, if they would pay attention to the signs, they would notice that there are stops all along the way indicating that they could take the train on the other side and it would get them back on the right track. All they have to do is GET OFF THE WRONG TRAIN AND GET ON THE RIGHT ONE. It's really that simple.

Our destination is the joy of the Lord. If we continue on the right path by being a good and faithful servant we will rest in HIS JOY forever. I love you with the love of Christ be encouraged. You can do it!

Daily Declaraion-I AM ON THE RIGHT PATH
I have kept my feet from walking on any evil path in order to obey your Word. (Psalm 119:101 GOD'S WORD Translation)