Friday, November 8, 2013

Motivated To...

The web definition for the word Motivated is: to provide (someone) with a motive for doing something. A motive -is a reason for doing something.

Motives are what stimulates and moves us to action. Motives create motivation,  which then, we are motivated to do. The revelation of ones motive can be found to be purely selfless or appallingly selfish. 

The Scripture tells us in Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; (NASB)

So what is it exactly that motivates us and what does it motivate us to do? 

Let's look at a story in the Bible of a woman who was motivated. As we study this passage of scripture let us carefully analyze what stirred her motivation and what she was motivated to achieve. 

(Read 1 Samuel 1)

In the beginning of this story we see Hannah a woman who was harassed but loved, provided for yet lacking. A woman who should have been satisfied but was sorrowfully unfulfilled.

The insults of her oppressor would move her to tears year after year as she would have to look upon the realization of her situation, that even though she had things going for her she didn't  have what would make her seem to be on the same level as other Israelite women -a child. 

Have you ever looked at a situation, knew that is was real and felt completely helpless, leaving you standing there sobbing in grief, by the taunts of the devil about what you have (a sickness, a financial problem, a troubled child, etc.) or don't have (a spouse, a child, a job, an education, a clear vision and on and on) 

Well this was exactly the place where Hannah was. She was so discouraged, that even when her husband blessed her with the portion of food fitting for her, she didn't even want to eat it. I'm sure that she was grateful for what she had been given but deep down inside she knew that there was more. Just like with many of us (believers) we are extremely thankful for life and the things we have, but we know that in some areas of our lives we are not living in the abundance that has been promised to us.

In response to the verbal onslaught Hannah endured, all that she could muster up was tears until one day her sorrow motivated her to move into prayer. She no longer sat in a seat of anguish feeling sorry for herself. She no longer stood there trying to figure out the motive behind the abuse from Peninnah. She didn't open her mouth to answer insult for insult, instead she got up and went and prayed. 

Sorrow of heart (a discouraged heart) motivated her to fervent prayer.

It was because of this, she poured out her heart without even speaking. It is also, when we find ourselves in a place of overwhelming attacks that we to must come to realize that -to the oppressor we owe not a word.

I wonder if she would have gotten the same result if she allowed her sorrow to motivate her to act in any other way than what she did.

What was the motive behind Hannah's prayer. Was it to obtain the miracle in order to mock her enemy? Was it to receive from God to stop the pain of feeling unloved by God? In those days children were a sign of being blessed of The Lord (Psalm 128:3-6) and Hannah wanted the tangible assurance that she was blessed and if she had the child her enemy's assaults would be powerless. 

Her desire is not much different than many of ours today but God has told us repeatedly in His word that the life of the believer must be that of faith and trust in the face of doubt and fear. We are to know that God loves us not because of the things we receive but because of His faithfulness to His covenant with us and that He will give us what we need according to His will.

I believe her motive was pure because she vowed that if the child was granted her, she would dedicate him to The Lord and His work in the temple.  And as we read, we see that Hannah did conceive and perform her vow.

Is there anything that you are motivated to labor in prayer for, not so you can boast but that after you obtain it you can give it as a sacrifice to The Lord? Or are you motivated to pray for it so that you can say "I got it"?

As I come to a close I want to bring out one last thing. Hannah's prayer was so intense that it drew the attention of the priest. He first thought she was drunk until she explained the condition of her heart then he spoke a blessing that God would grant her request.  After years of going to the temple and not eating she finally went home, ATE and was NO LONGER SAD. I wonder if we would be satisfied with a word from God even when were not physically holding the blessing yet. 

There are a lot of  Peninnah's invading our space taunting us in order to provoke the wrong response and we must always remember that it is not people that we are wrestling with but rather the enemy of our soul. Instead of giving into this relentless mental abuse -allow it to motivate you to stand, believe Gods Word, love unconditionally, wait patiently on Him and overcome evil with good. 

God was motivated by mankind's fallen state to show His love for us and send His only Son to free us from the bondage of sin and to give an answer to His and man's enemy (the devil) of  how He was able to restore His beloved to a right relationship with himself. 

What are you motivated by and what are you motivated to do? No matter what incites the motivation, remember to respond in a way that will cause you to be blessed and be a blessing.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Luke 1:26-33 (NLT)
26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, 27 to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. 28 Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you![d]”

29 Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. 30 “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. 32 He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. 33 And he will reign over Israel[e] forever; his Kingdom will never end!”

I have three children and the circumstances that surrounded their conception and birth were all completely different. In the mist of joy, there was pain. In the midst of expectation, there was confusion. Despite  all of my feelings , I was pregnant, and if there were no complications, a baby was going to be born.

I asked myself, " What will my life be like when I have this child"? "What will its life be like"? "How will I take care of it?" "Will I and others love this baby the way a baby should be loved?" I asked myself so many questions, yet there was one question that I didn't think to ask until today "How will my baby affect the world"? 

I understand that in some cultures parents plan pregnancies with this in mind but on average rarely do expecting parents consider this at all. Most of the time our thoughts towards our child are self centered and a bit selfish. I don't think we take on this attitude because of a character flaw, but rather from a natural instinct (it's in our nature). Perhaps it comes from the months of carrying the child in the womb, or from the burning labor pains, or the sleepless nights we spent feeding a baby, who's nightly cycle was that of a person who worked midnights. I don't know, but surely those things can help define what the child means to you. 

You may be wondering, where is Lucretia going with this? 

Lets take this from the natural to the spiritual and back. 

You are pregnant with the purposes of God and you may be experiencing some of the same feelings that I did with my pregnancies, but today I want you to consider that you are not going through all of it for yourself alone. The ups and downs, the cravings, the morning sickness, the awkward emotions and the the sleepless nights are all a part of the process of birthing a world changer. 

When we realize and accept that we are pregnant with the plan of God, the process takes on a new meaning. The process does not change but our determination to have a healthy birth does. Your eating habits change. Your not able to do the things you used to. You become more aware of what you are carrying. 

Mary (the mother of Jesus) was carrying "The World Changer" of world changers, and look what she had to go through to see the birthing of this promise. Shame, confusion, criticism, uncertainties, misunderstanding, she had to flee from an assassination attempt on her child, birth Him in a horse stable and after He was born she had to watch Him die an early death (that's a whole other subject but still a part of God's plan). 

I know those where all the negatives she endured but its usually the negatives that discourage us during the process. It's hard for us to see the positive. However, we are going to look at some of the positives of her process. 

1. She was favored by God
2. She was being used of God
3. Her voice carried the Holy Spirit 
4. She was protected from danger
5. She birthed the promise

Because she submitted herself to the Word/will of The Lord we are the result of it all. It was her birthing of God's redemption plan (Jesus) for mankind that we are who we are and where we are today. 

The world needs the promise that is growing inside of you. They may not know it but it's about to be born. I know your uncomfortable but not for much longer.  Focus on what God is allowing to be born through you and how it will impact this world for the Kingdom of God-AND GET READY TO PUSH!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Lately, The Lord has been dealing with me about the WORDS that I speak. In years past I never really took note of the words that were coming out of my mouth. If I thought something, I spoke it. Most of the time I used wisdom in the timing of what I had to say (at least that's what I thought) however, it was the choice of words used in the course of a conversation that revealed my need for maturity. 

After The Lord saved me I thought everything was going to change. I quickly joined the choir in singing the songs of Zion. Songs with lyrics like, "look  what The Lord has done, look what The Lord has done. He healed my body, He touched my mind, He saved me just in time...". I was singing a lot of songs that talked about having new hands, new feet and a new mind but I quickly discovered my spirit was renewed while my mind and body were the same. Granted some of the desires I had prior to my conversion had gone but others had not.

There were days when I would think, say or do something that was totally contrary to the Word of God and I knew I was saved but was baffled at how this could happen? I found myself making many trips to the altar re-dedicating my life to God. As I reflect, maybe I should have just gotten some wood, a hammer and nails and built a house there. That was how much I frequented the place early in my Christian walk. 

I kept wondering what as wrong with me. Why wasn't my mind and body changed with salvation? After a bit of research I found out.

The Bible says our natural bodies must die because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Cor 15:50  I encourage you to read the entire chapter). In order for us to receive our new body there must be a physical death of our old. In the resurrection we will be given the appropriate body for heaven and until then we will live in our natural bodies (flesh) and constantly keep it in subjection by our mind (1 Cor 9:24-27).

Now, lets talk about our mind. In Romans 12:2 the second part of the verse tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. When we are told to be in this scripture, it means: choose to be changed to another form. The Greek word "mind" is "nous" this word means: the seat of our understanding, reasoning, intellect, philosophy it's what we think or believe.
 This is the one area that we have complete control over. Our Father did not create puppets rather, men with a will. He has given us His Word for our "nous" to meditate on, enabling us to be transformed into the image of His Son but we must choose by faith to be transformed. 

A part of the definition of the word "renewing" means renovation. So when you think about your mind going through a home renovation it is the changing out of the old and replacing it with something new. The home is not new but the inside of the house is new. A complete home renovation normally cannot be completed in a day but over a course of days, weeks, months even years the project gets accomplished. When the Truth of God's Word is presented to your nous, you have the right to put out the old items in the house and bring in the new items. So, Romans 12:2 could be read like "choose to be changed to another form by renovating your reasoning, intellect or thinking". 

Could God have just spoken a word of renewal over our total existence? Of course He could but by His sovereign will He chose the way of transformation we must take.

There is a war in our mind between our flesh, our renewed spirit and the enemy of our soul. This war is over the influence of the mind. Because who ever controls the mind controls the body, which is the person. Every part of us, our body, soul and spirit goes through a process of renewal and our mind plays a huge part in that process. 

The way we perceive things in our mind, shape the way we express ourselves in word or deed ultimately shaping our life.

It may seem like I am off on a rabbit trail from the subject of WORDS but in the teachings to come you will see how it all fits together. I am laying a foundation. Although this may seem basic it is actually one of the main area of struggle, stumbling and defeat in the lives of many people. I'm not certain how long this teaching/blog will go but hang in there I'm sure it will be good for our "nous". 

Talk with you next week.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Terminal C

Lately, I must say that I have not had the most enjoyable experiences flying. I know that flying gets me to my destination much quicker than traveling by train, car or bus but I often wish that I could be translated in the spirit, instead of enduring many hours of uncomfortable seats and heart gripping turbulence.  Nevertheless, for the sake of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I board each plane trusting in the keeping power of God.

A few days ago I was flying home from Florida with a connecting flight through Dallas, Texas. My departure flight from Florida was delayed leaving so I knew 
once we landed, in order to make my connecting flight, I would have to move with quickness. Our plane landed and parked at a gate in the D terminal but my connecting flight would be departing from the C terminal so I quickly gathered my things and headed for the Skylink (the train that transports people between the different terminals).   

The Skylink departures were on the level above me so I had to take the escalator up to that level. When I arrived at the top, I noticed there were signs to my left and to my right. I identified which train I was supposed to take and joined a group of people waiting for the train to arrive. After about 3 minutes an announcement had come over the intercom that the side of the Skylink where we were waiting was having trouble and we needed to go to the other side and take that train. 

Immediately people started rushing to the other side to board the train that was approaching the stop. I too began to scurry for the other train but hesitated as I once again looked up at the sign. The train the others got on was headed in the opposite direction to where I was trying to go and although the voice on the intercom was telling me to take that train it just didn't seem right. As I watched the train  zip away, I was thinking to myself, those people have made a mistake. At that time my attention was turned by a comment a young man in a business suit was making (He was one of the few who didn't take the other train). His comment was, "they're going to go all the way around the airport". He then shook his head, turned his back and put his hands in his pockets as if to say - oh well, at least I made the right decision.  About 2 minutes after that, our train arrived and we were on our way to Terminal C which was only 2 stops from where we were. 

As I was riding to Terminal C the scripture from the book of Matthew came to mind "Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate. But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate.(Matthew 7:13-14 GOD'S WORD Translation)

Now did the other people in my story meet destruction? No they didn't but they were about to take a trip full of unnecessary stops only to find themselves back at the place where they started. Why did they leave for the other train? Because they were warned about problems they may have had to endure. And although we heard the same warning there were only a few of us willing to endure those problems for the sake of continuing on the path that was leading us to our destination. 

On this journey of following Jesus we can be sure that there will be problems, troubles, trails and tribulations. Jesus Himself told us there would be and there are only a few people who will trust that though the problems are inevitable,  there is safety on the path with Jesus than on the road without Him. 

You may be going through a difficult time right now in your marriage, with your children, in your finances, in your body or on your job and the pressure is great for you to veer off the narrow path of trusting God to fix your situation. Well,  I have come today with a word of exhortation for you. "STAY ON THE PATH TO ENTER THE NARROW GATE" I know the voices are saying that there are problems on this road and there may be but Jesus did not say living a life of obedience to God would be easy, in fact He told us it wouldn't be. He also told us that we didn't have to face them lone. He said that He would be with us and send us a helper. He said that He would give us a way of escape when we are tempted and that He has given us the victory over the devil and all his attempts to distract and destroy us.

Maybe you have already strayed from the path, don't be discouraged! Today is your opportunity to get off the wrong road and onto the right one. You see though the others took the Skylink going in the wrong direction, if they would pay attention to the signs, they would notice that there are stops all along the way indicating that they could take the train on the other side and it would get them back on the right track. All they have to do is GET OFF THE WRONG TRAIN AND GET ON THE RIGHT ONE. It's really that simple.

Our destination is the joy of the Lord. If we continue on the right path by being a good and faithful servant we will rest in HIS JOY forever. I love you with the love of Christ be encouraged. You can do it!

Daily Declaraion-I AM ON THE RIGHT PATH
I have kept my feet from walking on any evil path in order to obey your Word. (Psalm 119:101 GOD'S WORD Translation)

Monday, June 25, 2012


Why do you do what you do?

This was the question asked to my husband & I the other day by a pastor friend of ours. At first I looked at him like why would you ask such a question, when the answer should be obvious. I truly had to fight the temptation not to say that to him. So I stood there processing for a minute because there were many different religious answers forming in my mind.

 I didn't want to seem clueless so I answered, "Be-CAUSE” Jesus has set me free. I want others to experience this same freedom.”  I thought to myself, "Yeah that sounds good to me." That sounds like the right answer to give when a pastor asks you a question about the motives of your pursuits. The pastor nodded his head in agreement and began expounding on the reason for his question. I kept myself engaged in conversation with him, but my thoughts kept taking me back to his question.


Although the pastor seemed satisfied with my answer (at least he made it appear that way) for me the answer just seemed to float on the inside of me. It was as if it had no weight to it.  It wasn’t that my answer was untruthful. That wasn't it at all. The thing that troubled me about my answer was that it was a surface answer. It was the typical answer. It was the answer a good Christian gives to be safe or to avoid further questioning. Besides, what other purpose is there than helping people know Jesus?

The truth be told, I did not have a specific answer to the pastor's question and that bothered me. It was something that had been frustrating me for a while. It was the -WHAT IS YOUR BE-CAUSE? What cause needed to be in my life? What is the BE-CAUSE if I don't do it people will die? What is the thing that God wants to use me to show Himself mighty through? I have been doing a lot, but not finding satisfaction. I took his question as, “What is the beautiful scenery of the big picture that all these little puzzle pieces are going to make?”

Ugh, God has not shown me the big picture yet, and you would think by now He would have. Right, now all I have is a bunch of fragmented moments.

These questions were starting to plague my mind; they were becoming a trap. It isn't that these are forbidden questions. It is simply that they were being used as distractions. If the enemy could get me so focused on what I didn’t know about my future instead of what I did, then he knew I would get discouraged, irritated and outright confused.

The realization is, I do not know all of why I do what I do. And you too, like me, may not know the depth of all you do. God may not have pin pointed a certain BE-CAUSE in your life, but just because He hasn’t doesn’t mean He won’t. Be assured that it will happen in His time. It is not wrong to want to know what your be-cause is and it’s not wrong to not know it.  Don’t be hard on yourself. Remember not to let impatience or frustration cause you to discount everything else that has and is happening in your life. There are things we do that may not seem to have a significant meaning as it stands. However, we must not discard them so quickly. It may very well be the piece that completes the puzzle.

Sometimes our be-cause will come in a bright light on the road to Damascus like Paul (Acts 26:13-18) or -be kinda surface like mine was and other times it may be -I'm not sure yet. Our ultimate because is unfolding everyday and the more we obediently trust Him; the closer we come to the revealing of what He has ordained for us. All things are working together for our good. Don't lose heart. You are on the verge of an answered BE-CAUSE

Monday, June 18, 2012

Prairie Dog Showdown

Read and meditate on Job 30:13

The car drove down the road and suddenly stopped, facing a prairie dog head on. The prairie dog looks innocent enough, with its cute little stance and cuddly face, but it carries the bubonic plague, digs up the ground, making it difficult for ranch owners and all those in the neighborhood as those holes cripple horses and other livestock if they step in them, and are just an overall nuisance.

I watched as the car waited for the prairie dog to move. It stood as a little sentinel, and then ran back and forth in front of the car. The driver then honked. I couldn’t help but release a little chuckle. To think that a little prairie dog could cause that little drama made me laugh.

Just behind the car was a truck coming up the road. The driver saw what was happening with the other car and simply drove past both. They didn’t let either obstacle stop them. As silly as it sounds, we need to be the driver in the truck.

Don’t let the enemy stop you from reaching your destination. Simply drive beyond what he has put in your way to slow you down. If we stop and give opportunity to the enemy, he will definitely distract us from reaching our destination.

By. Erica Alexander

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Lately I have been meditating on the word hope. We are admonished in the Bible to have hope, but what exactly is hope? Is hope faith? Is it a feel good sensation that fills your heart when the preacher gives a compelling message? Or is it the inspirational word used during Christmas time? Not at all. Hope is much more. Hope is joyful, earnest expectation. To expect something is to look forward to it with assurance that you will attain it.

To hope is not the same as to wish. There is no certainty, or assurance in wishing. It's like saying, “I want this to happen but, there's a possibility it won't.” Let me give you an example. One day during church service, Alex announced that he had been praying to get a good job and asked those in the congregation to pray as well. Immediately the pastor called him forward so he could pray for him. The pastor placed his hand on the young man’s shoulder and said, "Alex, God is going to grant your petition.” Alex looked up at the pastor and said, "I sure hope so.” In all actuality he was saying, "That's what I'm wishing for. I don't know if a good job is what God wants for me, but maybe it is and He just might help me get one.” Now a response like that doesn't sound like joyful, earnest expectation to me. It sounds more like doubt and unbelief.

 Romans 4:18-22 (NKJV) gives us a true example of hope:

18 Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” 19 And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. 20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. 22 And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.”

Abraham was 100 years old and his body was past what seemed physically possible to produce a child. He considered not only himself to be too old, but his wife also. Nevertheless, he trusted God to be faithful to perform what He had promised.

This is the true picture of hope. Hope is expecting to see what God has promised come to pass no matter what things look like in your life. You may be in a situation right now that looks as good as dead, but hope believes even if a thing dies. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. You might even be standing in front of an incredible mountain. Hope believes God has given you the authority to speak to it and tell it to move.

Hope is not maybe it will happen or I'm wishing it does happen.
Hope is joyful, earnest expectation in God!
Hope is trusting.
Hope maintains the spiritual vision of faith.

It is CRITICAL for every believer to have hope because hope keeps us moving forward. It’s more than just a mere emotion. It is our passion, our driving force, leading us, rather than pushing us. Every time doubt creeps up, hope begins to remind us of the promise and how determined we are to see it; seeing and receiving looks much better than not. God promised to give us a hope and a future. Don't be discouraged because the thing you desire is being prolonged. Keep your focus on the fact that it is coming and praise God for it.
I believe the more we thank God and show how appreciative and excited we are for His coming promise, the more He wants to give it to us.

Our hope/expectation in God is His delight.

Do not lose hope! The promises of God in Him are, “Yes!” and “Amen!” and they are coming your way!


Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit.        Romans 15:13 (NASB)